
Managing Kubernetes using Terraform

Kubernetes has continued in its strive to influence the tech space with its flexibility and portability in container orchestration. And with its continuous strive, there has been an increasing need to connect, configure and manage Kubernetes with other tools and resources of your choice. This has brought about the creation of more automation products, infrastructure, and features to satisfy this increasing need.

Category: Programming

Node.js Lesson 17: Timers, Differences from Browser, ref and ref

Hey, guys! Our today’s article will tell you about Node.js timers. Here we will try to tell you about all the differences existing between browser and Node.js timers. So, let us refer to our technical materials and see a number of similar methods:


Handling GraphQL API Authentication using Auth0 with Hasura Actions

In this article, we’re going to demonstrate how we can set up Authentication/Authorization with Hasura and Auth0. First, we’ll set up the Auth0 application, API, and rules.


How To Secure Python Web App Using Bandit

Cybersecurity is a very important aspect of software development. It is a branch of code testing which is integral in the profitability of major tech companies around the world as highlighted in my pr


Nodejs Lesson 16: Internals of Nodejs: Event Loop

This lesson will continue the last lesson where we learned how the LibUV library works internally. In this lesson, we will learn about Event Loop and understand various terms like call stack, callback queue, etc. Let's start.


Nodejs Lesson 15: Internals of Nodejs: LibUV

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the internals of Nodejs. This article will guide how node js works and how it can handle async tasks. What will happen if ten requests come at once? Will it handle one request and discard the other 9? or will it create a queue and serve each one by one. We will answer all these questions in this and coming lesson. Let's start.


Building Rest API With Django Using Django Rest Framework and Django Rest Auth

Building Rest API seems to be complex when trying to achieve this on your own with Django,  thanks to the Django Rest framework project which has come to reduce the complexity.


Node.js Lesson 14: Asynchronous Development

Asynchronous Operation refers to the flow of execution when something doesn't follow the line by line execution of code but waits for some time. Set timeout is a general of an asynchronous task. What happens when you create a timeout task?


How To Use Prospector For Python Static Code Analysis

Prospector is a tool that analyzes Python code, outputs information about the errors, potential problems, convention violation, and complexity of the program. It is very useful in debugging your code.

Category: Programming

Fluent Validation in ASP.NET MVC

Fluent validation is a validation library for .NET. This will be separated from the business logic. So, it has an advantage over data annotation validation. This library is available in the NuGet pack


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