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Elastic Search – Basics


There's no secrete that in modern Web applications an ability to find required content fast is one of the most important things. So if your application won't be responsive enough clients will use something else. That's why all the processes should be optimized as much as possible, never the less it can be a very challenging task...

Category: Programming

Web Workers: Concurrency In Java Script


Web Worker is a modular script that runs separately from the main JS thread (a thread that normally includes all the scripts of your web application) and communicates with it using events only.

Category: Programming

D3.js and Angular/Vue.js Integration


Nowadays there’re lots of technologies in a Front-end and most of them have easily understandable tutorials. So starting with them is not a problem. But there’s always a problem when you try to use some of them together. In this article, we’re going to talk about a usage of Angular or Vue.js together with D3.js, and find out why we might have problems with the integration.

Category: Programming



Let’s talk about basics of really fresh approach in client-server communication: GraphQL. Let’s answer few questions first to start with this technology. What is the difference between this technology and common REST API (e.g. express implementation of this one)? That’s simple: GraphQL provides you instruments to execute queries to server, not send the requests, so you create query and you know for sure what a result you expect to see.

Category: Programming

MongoDb. Capped collections


Today we’re going to discuss not really popular, but really useful thing in MongoDB – capped collections. What’re they, how and where to use them. Let’s start!

Category: Programming

RxJs Practice


After some portion of theory it will be a good practice to do some practice! So today we’re going to build weather widget with auto update function and simple chart that will be fully built using RxJS. Take your knowledge of base concepts, that we’ve studied on previous lesson and let’s go!

Category: Programming

RxJS Methods. Part2


The methods that are covered in this video are flattop, concat/merge, switch, switchMap. Main topic of video is more complex structures – higher order observables. Also we’re going to talk about handling of async stuff inside observables with life example of working with real API. Subscribe to our channels! Youtube Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Google […]

Category: Programming

RxJS Methods. Part 1


The methods that are covered in this video are map, filter, reduce, take/skip and distinct. Most of them are array-like primitives they will give you the basis of your further work with RxJs and introduce main instruments from this large swiss knife!

Category: Programming

Programming Patterns. Publisher/Subscriber, Mediator


Our today's heroes are Publisher / Subscriber pattern and the Mediator pattern. Basically, I created this video to explain the difference both to patterns and Observer pattern ...

Category: Programming

RxJS Introduction


Our today’s topic is a library for working with streams and events. It’s RxJS and it represents the idea of reactive programming. In the simple words, the meaning of this idea semantically is a representation of all operations as the stream, more specifically, as the sequence of events. Programmatically it means for our usage of two patterns: iterator (for establishing of the sequence itself and going through this one) and observer (for changes propagation).

Category: Programming

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