Damir Franusic's Account

Damir Franusic offline 5 years

Why Working Remotely Is a Double-Edged Sword


Sorry for rhe typos. I should have known better not to write long comments on smartphone 😏

Why Working Remotely Is a Double-Edged Sword


Hi and thanks for reading the article. I was quite perplexed with the popularity of my story and would once again wish to thank Mary and Soshace for this free promotion. After writing this story, my life has changed upside down, njt for the better. Human interaction, it would seem, is of utmost importance since both social my social and emotional skills had suffered extreme deterioration. Everyone has their own way of coping, but I don't that any kind of video/audio technology can replace a good old face 2 face dialogue. For me, I had to take some drastic measures to become fully functional again. I'm not there yet but have made some significant leaps. Also, I decided to get a regular office job and that was a good idea, as my work stays in the office and I don't plan on taking it home ever again. Thank you again for reading, commenting, and hopefully enjoying the article.

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