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Adaware Oghenero offline 3 months

Svelte for React Developers


Guide to learning svelte from a React developer perspective. Learn how React features like components, props, state, two-way binding are implemented in Svelte....

Category: React

React User Login Authentication using useContext and useReducer.


In this tutorial we will be discussing how we can implement a user login with React context, useContext and useReducer Hooks.


Performance Optimizations for React Native Applications


React native has grown to be one of the most popular frameworks for building cross-platform mobile applications. React native allows us to share about 90% of our codebase between multiple platforms while maintaining a native feel and aesthetics.


Handling Side Effects in Redux: Redux-Saga


In this article, we will be covering the handling of side-effects in Redux. This article assumes you have knowledge of React and a bit of Redux.


Guidelines for Building Accessible Web Applications


Web accessibility covers how people with disabilities can interact, navigate, and use our websites. What we will be covering in this article is how people with disabilities can use our sites.

Category: Programming

Understanding Flutter Bloc Pattern


In this article, we'll cover a bit of Reactive Programming, BLOC patterns in Flutter, when and how to use them, as well as look at some alternatives to BLOC.


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