Today, we are going to cover homework from Lesson 14 and add comment API to load comments.
React Lesson 14: Redux Thunk Deep Dive
In this lesson, we will understand the internals of Redux Thunk and the use cases where we should use it.
React Lesson 13 Part 2: Asynchronous actions
In the previous article, we used Redux Thunk and learned how to structure actions for asynchronous calls. Now we will update reducer to handle them and then dispatch them from Articles.js. Let’s update the reducer first.
React Lesson 13. Part 1: Asynchronous actions
Our topic for today deals with asynchronous actions. We will start to take our articles from API. As you have already noticed, we have a simple API working. And in order to launch it, you need to open the folder simple_api and execute the following command there:
React Lesson 12: Checking Homework Progress from Lesson 11
Hey everyone, In this lesson, we will go through our home task and learn how it is effective to connect the store to any component. Our home task was to create a form that takes input and add a comment. Let’s start.
React Lesson 11. Pt.2: Redux Middlewares
In this lesson, we will learn about middlewares in Redux. We will understand what are they, how we can create one and how to use it in our app.
React Lesson 11. Pt.1: Normalize Comments with Immutable.js
Our previous lesson was devoted to a more convenient way of how to write reducers using seamless APIs to add/remove elements and not to worry about any processes to be changed in between.
React Lesson 10: Normalize Data with Immutable.js
Let’s explore how to work with data. We’ve used a denormalized structure for displaying our articles so far. Now, we’ll normalize the data.
React Lesson 9: Homework Lesson 8
Hey all! Today we will start our lesson with your home task and see what data should be kept in store and what — in the state of the components.
React Lesson 8: Deep Dive into React Redux
Today, we’re going to do more complicated things. We will go away from the manual description of “closure,” subscriptions, and so on. All these things are, of course, not for manual maintenance. We will learn how to do these things easily and gracefully.